We Create Groundbreaking visual content for businesses

De BeeldBrekers (iconoclasts in English); A creative production house specialising in conceptualising and producing dynamic content for businesses. We craft animations and films that resonate with your target audience—content designed to inform, captivate, and persuade.

At De BeeldBrekers, we approach your communication challenges as if they were our own. With a passionate team of seasoned creatives, we go above and beyond to tackle your objectives head-on. Our goal is to bring your vision to life.

What makes us stand out?

Customisation with Unique Teams: 

At De BeeldBrekers, we believe in the power of diversity and tailor-made solutions. Each project is executed by a uniquely assembled team of independent creatives. This allows us to provide the perfect blend of skills and expertise tailored to your communication challenges.

Cost Efficiency without Compromise:

As a collective of independent creatives, we maintain minimal overhead costs, enabling us to offer more competitive rates for animations and/or film productions than other providers, without compromising on quality and creativity.

Expertise with Experience:

Our creatives always bring years of experience and proven track records to the table. With this expertise, you can trust in a team that not only has passion but also the necessary experience to achieve your goals and overcome challenges.

Full Spectrum Offering:

What sets us apart is our comprehensive offering – we don't just provide animation or film; we offer both. This allows us not only to assist in developing a strong concept but also to choose the right medium for the most effective message – whether it's film, animation, or a combination of both.


Animation has the power to convey even the most complex concepts in an understandable and engaging manner.

Our animations are more than just moving images. They are creative and clever, ensuring that your audience not only watches but also comprehends. Whether it's explaining intricate technologies, simplifying business processes, or inspiring action, our animations are the tool through which we can convey your message down to the smallest detail.



Film is a medium that brings stories to life, captures emotions, and takes the viewer on an unforgettable journey.

At De BeeldBrekers, we cherish the power of film production and use it to translate your message into beautiful visuals that captivate the hearts of your audience. Whether it's recruiting new employees with a recruitment film or providing viewers with a glimpse into your company through a corporate film; De BeeldBrekers are here for you!



De BeeldBrekers?!

What 'De BeeldBrekers' Means? It means 'iconoclasts' in Dutch and it signifies our commitment to breaking the boundaries of visual storytelling and crafting impactful narratives. It's all about you and your story.

At De BeeldBrekers, we understand that your business, your vision, and your message are unique. You are the director of this story, and we are here to bring your vision to life. Together, we will unleash the magic of visual communication, engaging viewers with what you have to say.

The literal translation of 'BeeldBrekers' is 'ImageBreakers,' and it embodies our dedication to challenge the conventional norms of visual storytelling. Whether it's captivating animations or cinematic masterpieces, our team of filmmakers and animators is ready to shape your story. From concept to delivery, we guide you through every step of the process.

Are you ready to tell your story through the power of visuals?